Thursday, December 5, 2013

Week 13 Literary Speculation

Reading a Clockwork Orange was more disturbing then I would have imaged. Having seen the movie several times before I picked up the book, I had prenotions of what to expect. I found that the movie was so censored and changed from its basics.
            The first huge thing that was a shocker to me was the age of Alex in the book, 15! When I think more about his age the less shocking it is. Stealing, lying, killing, violence, drugs, sex; something that is becoming part of young teenagers lives as the generations pass. I wouldn’t doubt that our feature might hold more kids like Alex in it. I was truly repulsed at the rape scene in the novel. The movie to me made it seem very consensual to a point, where in the book Alex drugs and rapes the young girls. The worst part was the age of the girls, 10.
Reading this book was so intense. I truly did enjoy reading it. Although I had trouble with the Nadsat slag at first, until I looked at the little glossary. As for the 21st chapter, I am kinda torn. I like the final chapter that adds closure to Alex’s journey. That there is hope for humanity and people can change on their own. But I also really like the concept that some are beyond hope and you can’t medically make someone good. Part of being human is having the choice between right and wrong, good and bad.

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